Installing Cyberpanel

  1. Login to the VPS using SSH

  2. Update Ubuntu

apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  1. If you get a screen about Kernel updating and services restarting press enter to proceed.

  2. Run the following command to install the necessary tools for Cyberpanel

apt install wget curl swig autoconf automake libtool pkg-config gcc g++ make -y
  1. Install screen tool to have things running even if the terminal is closed

apt install screen -y
  1. Enter screen mode by typing screen and then press space

  2. View the sshd_config file to edit it

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  1. Search for permitRootLogin and change prohibit-password to yes

  2. Remove the # before the word permitRootLogin

  3. Press ctrl + x and then y and press enter to save the file and exit nano editor.

  4. Set the root user password with command passwd

  5. Restart the ssh service

systemctl restart ssh 
  1. Logout of the SSH connection (by closing the terminal)

  2. Login with the root user

sudo su -
  1. Go to screen mode by entering the screen command and then pressing space

  2. Install Cyberpanel with the following command

sh <(curl || wget -O -
  1. Enter 1 to select "Install CyberPanel"

  2. Enter 1 to select OpenLiteSpeed

  3. Enter Y to do a full installation

  4. Enter N to skip installing remote MySQL

  5. Press enter to install the latest MySQL

  6. Enter s to set a password for the admin user of the CyberPanel

  7. Enter the password and confirm it

  8. Enter Y to install Memcached

  9. Enter n to skip installing Redis

  10. Type no to skip installing watchdog

  11. After installation is complete, Cyberpanel should be running in IP:8090 port

Last updated